Wednesday, January 31, 2007
I called the dr yesterday morning and got in. The allergy spcecialist had cc'd to me the same letter I received. So they were up to speed on that whole thing. Needles to say they weren't too happy with the specialist. They didn't understnd why he didn't test me like they said and felt bad for sending me for no reason. (The specialist said that my hives were unexplained, possible due to stress, and he didn't test me at all.) So...there I was one week later with the same thing. This time they were worse, though. They were darker and on my back, too. Also, my feet and hands were so swollen and they itched ALL NIGHT LONG. To say I slept for two hours would be a stretch. The dr said the reason they take things like this so seriously is because they had a patient with the same symptoms and he almost died one night. It ended up he was allergic to the red dye in the Tylenol. THAT was scary! He took a bunch of blood, gave me a bunch of meds, and sent me home. The meds worked like a charm! I didn't even have to have a shot! That was great since I still have the bruise from the last one! So here I am. Hopefully he will call soon. I am so curious to know if they figured it all out! That would be so great!
Drama drama drama! Always something! Eric DID finally get our toilet back. Hopefully that fixed it. So sick of drama with the house. Obviously I got NO scrapping done yesterday. ARG! So much to do! Maybe I'll get something done today!
I woke up today to snow on the ground! The roofs, sidewalks, and road is covered, but the ground isn't. That's a-okay with me! Ready for spring!
Well I'm going to go feed little man some breakfast! We'll chat again tonight! LOL Hopefully I'll have a layout or two to post!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
They're baaaaaack.....
Have a lovely night!
If it's not the sink, it's the...

If it's not the sink, it's the fridge. If it's not the fridge, it's the toilet. My toilet is sitting on it's side in it's little room right now. I had a post that said my house is jinxed....I am gathering a ton of evidence, let me tell you! My toilet has a leak and they are trying to figure out where it's coming from. Hey, at least the woodwork isn't fixed yet! LOL Just as long as they get it fixed before the wood guy comes! So we have to go all the way to the other end of the house to use the other toilet. Fun. Jinxed I tell ya!
My sister's fashion show was today. It's this yearly thing they do at her high school to raise money for the leukemia patients. She was a planner and she also got to model. It was fun. So sad, though, to see the little girls with no hair up there. They got to dress up in pretty dresses and model them. It was so great to see all their parents so proud video taping and taking pics! They looked beautiful!
We went to TGI Friday's afterwards. We haven't eaten there in a long time. We tried the Green Bean sticks and the fried Macaroni and Cheese. SO yummy! Brodey ate so many green bean sticks! He loved those things!
My parents got to come and play for a little while before the fashion show! They couldn't believe how quickly Brodey is progressing with his walking! He looks so cute!
I didn't get any layouts done today. I almost did, but not quite. I'm sure I will be able to finish it tomorrow. I think it's going to turn out pretty cute. The layout I posted above is from the Last Scrapper Standing Contest at I posted the link to it before, but I thought I'd go ahead and put it up tonight. LOVE this layout and love those pics! I came back into the office after doing laundry, and this is what I came back to! A little message on Brodey's foot! LOL His daddy is crazy! I can't wait to post my Design Team Layouts for February for Just 4 Keeps! I really love them, but I can't until the newsletter goes out! So not until the 1st!
Okay. That's about all that happened today. Pretty uneventful.
I'm off to bed now. Have a good night!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Vacation is over...

Well, MIL went back home. Vacation is over! It was great fun, though! haha! I just love it when she comes! She swears nothing can stop her from coming back Friday. I said BE MY GUEST!!!
We had so much fun last night! We have never gone bowling and we went! Fun! It was me, Eric, Brodric(Eric's brother), Tara(Brodric's girlfriend), Mike(Eric's other brother), and RJ showed up eventually. Eric works with RJ. He is the office managar and his brother is the other dentist Eric works with. Tara kicked all our butts! LOL What is so funny is she could care less. She just walks up and drops the ball! Drives Eric nuts because he honestly stinks at bowling. I love it because he is good at everything else! I came in second, then Brodric, Mike, and Eric. Eric was DEAD last and it was hilarious! He is such a sore loser! LOL After that we ate at Texas Roadhouse and it was just a fun night! So great to get out and do something! Can't wait to go again!
I finally finished the birthday tin for my grandma!! SO glad! I have had the supplies to do it for a long time, and the challenge at pushed me to finish it! The challenge was to do an altered item. I posted the pic above. If you click on it, it enlarges it and you can see it better. It was pretty difficult to get the paper just right. Decoupage medium is a lifesaver on projects like that. It makes the paper very pliable and easier to get around the hardware. I love how it turned out. It looks way better in real life, of course! Can't wait to give it to her! I think she is going to love it!
Isn't it amazing what a few days makes? Brodey is just a mobile little toddler now! It is SO sad to me. He is growing up! It is nice, though because he plays better now and doesn't seem to get as frustrated that he can't get where he wants to go. It is the cutest when he picks something up and carries it! So funny!
Eric's been bugging me to get Brodey's hair cut. I'm like NO WAY!!!! That is just too much for me! That would be way too sad! He says it's getting too long in spots. I'm like it looks cute, leave it alone! I love his little curls! Plus, I always dress him boyishly! You would have to be dumb to think he's a girl!
I am going to try to get several layouts done tomorrow! Wish me luck! Now that the tin is out of the way, I can start on other things!
Okay, I'm going to bed now. I usually stay up when it's this early, but not tonight. Brodey had a very, very rough night's sleep last night. He was up from 2am to 5am. I mean UP. Like trying to stand up in bed and everything. I was losing my mind. Eric took Benedryl and was no help. Finally at 5 he went to sleep. That was no fun at all. So I need my beauty sleep tonight!
I'm off to bed!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Vacation Baby!

For most people, when their mother-in-law comes to stay it's hell. For me, it's a vacation baby! MIL came yesterday and stayed the night! SO HAPPY!!!! I was able to clean house and get a layout done last night! I posted it above. I used a photo of Eric from our wedding and I did it for the February Kit at! Their kit is awesome! I still have two other layouts in the works, but I'm so glad I finished that one!
Also, I got my February Kit in the mail yesterday for! It is totally beautiful! It is so romantic and unlike all the other kits for February! I can't wait to play with it!
I am also working on an altered lunch tin. I promised my grandmother that I would make it for her. I got a list of everyone's birthdays in our family and made recipe card-like cards and put everyone's birthdays on it. I'm not finished, but when I am I will post it. The challenge this week for the Survivor Challenge at is to make an altered item. I thought this would be a good push for me to finish it.
Brodey is finally walking! He looks so cute, too! He doesn't "take off" of anything, but he walks for about two yards and then gives up and crawls. Also, he does this new monkey crawl over the tile. It is SO funny looking! He looks just like a baby monkey!
My brother-in-law and his girlfriend, Tara, came up today! We are going to go bowling in a little bit. Fun stuff! It's nice to get out and do something!
Well, I better go. They are yelling for me!
Have a good night!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Week one is done!

Week one is done! I finally finished my re-do layout for the Last Scrapper Standing at!!! I am so glad! I seriously thought I wouldn't finish in time! After the screw up first layout (which I really liked) I couldn't find my FUN mojo! If you don't know, I didn't read the rules carefully and I used the word "fun" in the title for the first layout I did. The first layout is posted in the post "Oops." This contest is for a $100 gift certificate to Just 4 Keeps! I want it SO bad! So everyone wish me luck! I can't post my layout yet, but if you go HERE! My layout is obviously the one with Brodey in it! I'm happy with how it turned out but I just hope it's fun enough. I really hope I get at least one vote! That would be embarassing if I didn't! Oh well!
That's about all I got done today. It took until 2:30 to get THAT done. Brodey was better today, though. I think he is finally feeling better from his shots. He always does that with shots. Thank goodness Ally pretty much cleaned the house tonight! I am hoping and praying my MIL, Rene, gets to come tomorrow. I will get SO MUCH done if she does. I have so many layouts to catch up on it's ridiculous! I am used to getting at least 2 per day done, but with life being crazy lately it just hasn't happened! It will get back to normal soon!
My Arbonne order finally came today! Gosh I needed my night cream SO bad! My skin gets so dry this time of year. A humidifier doesn't even help! Poor Brodey is going to be the same way, I can already tell. That's okay. His baby oil was in with that order too!
The layout I posted above is an older one. I did it probably three months ago. I hate the photo of me, but I love the photo. Does that even make sense??
Okay I am going to attempt to put Brodey in his bed so I can scrap a little! It's already 11pm, so we'll see.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Human Pacifier

Today I was Brodey's human pacifier. I'm not sure if he doesn't feel good or he is working his separation anxiety, but all he wanted to do was nurse. He slept for at least 8 hours today. No joke. Needless to say, today wasn't very productive. What's new? It really stresses me. Maybe the allergy specialist hit the nail on the head. Maybe the hives ARE from stress...wouldn't be surprised.
I did, however, get two layouts completed last night! SO happy about that! The sucky part is I can't post them yet! They are for the Design Team at and I can't post them until the February Newsletter is sent out. I really liked how they turned out so I can't wait to share!
I started two layouts for February Kit, but they are not complete. That is my goal for tomorrow! They are going to be super cute!
Tonight I am going to finish my layout for the Last Scrapper Standing Challenge at! I posted the goof up one and now I have to do another. The deadline is tomorrow so I'm cutting it pretty close!
Oh I totally made it to the next round of the Survivor Challenge at! This week's challenge is to make a project. This will take a while! Wish me luck!
I also found out today that the book my layouts will be in about doodling will be sold at Hobby Lobby and possible Barnes and Noble! Oh and a few other craft stores, but I can't remember which ones! That's pretty exciting!
I took the photo of Brodey I posted above yesterday! Isn't he the cutest!?!?! His shirt is so cute! It says "I enjoy ice cream, insightful cartoons, and long walks in the park." So funny! He's my little ham!
Well not much else to report! I'm off to create another "fun" layout. Send your fun mojo my way! Haha!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Oh and if you live in or around the Edmond area, Just 4 Keeps will be having their 40% off sale this Saturday! 40% off of everything!!! Don't think I won't be there! Well I'm there all the time...soooo...
Okay off to scrap now! I just had to share!!!!
What a day...

Good golly! What a day! I don't even know where to begin!
I had the appoitment today at 1:30 for the allergy specialist so he could hopefully figure out why I randomly get covered in hives. SO off I go perfectly on time to the office. I get there with one minute to spare and they tell me I came to the wrong office. WHAT!?! This is the address they gave me and it was the wrong one! So I head to the office 20 minutes away and I go ahead and call them to let them know I will be late. The lady cannot get my name right...Manley...Massey...MASSAD I SCREAM!!! Well she doesn't see me on her list. I'm like look lady, "the appointment was made last minute and I have no idea who works there so I could not possibly make up a name like Dr. Bozalis." She finally gets things together and I tell her I need directions. Well "she doesn't come that way to work so she doesn't really know." OH MY GOSH! "And the building is funny looking and you will turn into a driveway...but it's not really a driveway." I am about to kill someone! I tell her okay just let them know I'll be late.
I call my mom and ask her to please get online and give me directions. Wouldn't you know that this is the time for the internet not to work!?!
At the same time I look up to see traffic at a dead stop. A truck decided to run into the barricades. No I'm not kidding.
So I finally figure out where this place is and get in. The main receptionist is not a nice lady. I tell her "I had an appointment with Dr. Bozalis at 1:30." She looks at the clock and says "WELL they always want patients to be here early. So I don't know..." I am about to lose it. I say "Well I've already spoken to the office today and they are expecting me." She says "WELL, just a minute." She gets on the phone and I could hear what was said. They tell her it isn't a problem and the office gave me the wrong address. So then she is like "WELL did you fill out the questionaire?" I'm like "No I told you this was last minute. I was only refered here yesterday." Then of course all my information is wrong because I haven't even been there since Eric was in dental school. So THAT made her mad. FINALLY I was finished with her.
I head upstairs where they are MUCH nicer and proceed to wait in the waiting room for one hour. Yes one hour with Brodey. It wasn't fun.
Finally Dr. Bozalis called me into his office and to sum it up, they have no idea what is wrong with me. They do not know what causes the "severe unexplained hives" and I am to take notes every time I have an "episode" and every time my feet and hands swell and itch. Wow. All that to find out I have to take notes. He says it could be cause by stress, but they weren't sure. I said "well if it was stress I would be covered right now. Because today has been one of those days!" I DID find out that I am most likely not allergic to pecans or cashews, after all. I said great! I will have my mom bake me a pecan pie this weekend to celebrate! haha!
So...I didn't even get home until almost 5pm. I got nothing done today. No clean house. No laundry. No layouts. I am SO SO SO behind! I feel like I will never ever catch up! Poor me, right? Haha! I guess it could be worse! But gosh I hate that feeling that you have so much to do and you will never get caught up!
I DID finish one layout. It's the one posted above. It was for the Survivor Challenge at The only reason I finished it is because Brodey was asleep on the Boppy and I just had to print out the journaling! LOL At least I finished it in time to load it!
I HAVE to get my layout done for the Last Scrapper Standing challenge at! That is my goal for tonight!!! Wish me luck!
Okay I'm off to find something to eat for dinner. Eric went to see Dr. J's father in the hospital so he ditched me for dinner! Sounds like Lucky Charms are calling my name! After all...they're magically delicious! Hahahaha!!!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Hives aren't just for the bees...

Okay. So I developed a little rash yesterday. This wasn't the first time, so I wasn't too alarmed. It was mainly on my abdomen and chest. They went away around bedtime so no biggie. Well I woke up this morning and my gosh they were everywhere and about the size of dinner plates. So I go to an internal medicine specialist and they tell me they are referring me to an allergy specialist immediatly. I have severe hives and the next time this happens it could be deadly. (I thought this was a tad over dramatic but whatever) I get a shot in the butt, had a mild reaction to it, and came home. The shot had some type of benadryl stuff in it so I was a little drowsy. I get to go and be poked repeatedly in the back tomorrow. Fun times. I guess it is a good thing. Hopefully I'll find out what's wrong with me. Wouldn't it be awful if it's the new carpet?!?!? AH!
So as you can imagine, nothing was accomplished today. No layouts. No clean house. Brodey is still feeling his shots. All he wanted to do today was sleep and nurse. That equals no time for me. I have so much to do and I feel like it's just building up. Eric was helpful and watched him when he got home, but that time was taken up too! I had to help Ally make up and print out some ads for the Fashion Show program. Geez will it ever end? Tomorrow my appointment is at 1:30. I'm not even going to jinx myself and say I'm going to get anything done. Obviously that doesn't work!
The layout I posted above is a few months old. I still love it. That photo of Brodey always makes me smile when I see it! Love that boy!
Okay I'm going to attempt to put Brodey in his bed and DO something. Wish me luck!!!!!

Oops. That is what you get when you don't read the directions thoroughly. An oops and a layout you love? Haha! I am participating in the Last Scrapper Standing Challenge at The first challenge was to make a layout that is "fun." Well I did that and I used fun in the title. The layout is posted above. Well after I am almost finished, something clicks in my mind and I do back and read the directions. It says make a layout that is fun, but do not use fun in the title. WELL! April gets an F in following directions today! Haha! Oh well. I love the layout and I guess I'll just do another one tomorrow!
I am so totally behind it isn't even funny. Every spare second I get I try to get the house back in order. It still looks like we just moved in. Do you ever clean and just move mess to another part of the house and it just keeps on moving? I'm doing that now. I need to just get a trash bag and say hasta lavista, baby. (did I even spell that right??) I'm going nuts! I usually complete at least 2 layouts per day and I am lucky to do one every other day. I just keep telling myself that everything will get back in order. Eventually.
We had visitors today!! My parents came to bring my sister, Ally, back! She starts back to school tomorrow for the first time in a week. I always hated returning to school after a break. So hard to get up!
My goal for tomorrow is three layouts. HA! Do you think that will happen? We will see! I need to do my Design Team layouts for and I need to do another layout for Just 4 Keeps AND the layout for this week's Survivor Challenge at Not much right? Hahahaha!
Hopefully Brodey will feel better tomorrow. He has really been feeling his shots this time. He always gets a fever after getting his shots. So it would be nice for him, and me, if he feels better tomorrow!
Okay I'm going to bed now. Maybe Brodey will sleep better tonight!!
Saturday, January 20, 2007

Well my mother-in-law didn't get to come today. Boohoooo! The weather is supposed to be bad and her hubby said no way! Since the weather has been crazy, she hasn't been able to come and stay like she normally does! It really sucks. When she comes it is my mini vacation! She takes Brodey and I get to do whatever I want for 24 hours. She stays the night and this hasn't happened in two weeks.
I did, however, get to go ahead and shop the 40% off sale at It's my local scrap store. I had planned to crop, but that didn't happen. Hubby had an emergency patient and didn't get home until 9:30. Argg! So I just went and shopped. I DID get a layout done tonight! It was for my Saturday Scraplift Challenge at! This week the challenge was to scraplift a color combo! I scraplifted Jaime's layout from the website and did a layout with pink and black. That's the layout I posted above. The photo IS from July, but so what! We have Valentine colors on! Hehe!
I can't wait to receive my February Kit from! From the sneak peeks, it looks pretty awesome!
I HAVE to steal some scrap time for myself this weekend! I have to get my DT layouts finished for I NEED to scrap!
My carpet is finally complete!!! I am beyond happy! It looks beautiful, but the house looks like we just moved in! Luckily my mom is coming to help when she brings Ally back. That thought will relieve some guilt when I choose to scrap over cleaning the house!
Well that's about all I have to say! Nothing TOO exciting! I get to sleep later tomorrow! That's pretty exciting to me! I guess I'll go get started! LOL
Thursday, January 18, 2007
I love my blog!

I love my blog. It's like my own little diary. LOL BUT I'm way better at keeping this updated than I ever was with a diary. I think it's because after a while I get sick of writing and I'm a pretty fast typer. Who knows!
I am trying to hard to think of photos to use for this week's Survivor Challenge at We are supposed to scrap a layout about our town. Well my town's kind of totally covered by ice. I was thinking of taking photos of the ice and scrapping that....but is that boring? I can't go anywhere until tomorrow. Eric is actually going to leave me the Hummer so I can finally proof Brodey's pics at Taylor Made. So maybe I'll try to take some pics then. Wish me luck from falling and busting my you know what! LOL
The layout I posted the other day, "12 Weeks", is going to be featured on the scrap blog called "Multi-Photot Scrapbook Gallery" the link is I can't seem to figure out how to link on my blog. I have read and re-read the directions and Miss Fix-it can't seem to fix it. Anyway, it's a pretty cool gallery if you want to check it out! I'm more of a single photo layout kinda gal, but we can always take something from every layout!
We have carpet in our bedroom now! The house is actually starting to look normal. Well....that's if you ignore the missing base boards and holes in the bottom of my cabinets! Hahaha!
I did the layout above about two months ago. I love it. I used Photoshop to combine the photos for this ultra simple page. Love it!
I better go. I updated early tonight. We are going to go eat at Zen Asian Dining. Awesome!!! I have to come back and bust my booty to move everything out of the remaining bedrooms. Fun! Carpet guys will be here SUPER early tomorrow! They are going to try to get done early to beat the new winter storm coming. Fingers are still crossed my MIL gets to come tomorrow!!!!
Houston. We have carpet.

I can't believe it. We actually have carpet AND padding in the living room, office, and my master closet!!! I am so happy. I love how it turned out! It looks so great with the furniture! They will be back tomorrow to do my bedroom and Friday they will finish the other bedrooms, bathroom, and hallway. SO happy!
The wood guys haven't even started. I have a feeling that will be a long process! Geez!
I am convinced that the roads are worse today then they were yesterday!
My wonderful in-laws came up today! It was great! They brought Brodey's birthday gifts and we went to eat. It was nice to get out of the house! My fingers are crossed my mother-in-law, Rene, will get to come back and stay Friday night. We are supposed to get another winter storm, so that might not happen. But I can still hope...right!?!?! I am going to a crop at and I get to shop the pre-inventory sale! 40% off of everything in the store! I think on Saturday everyone else gets to shop with the discount! If you live in Oklahoma and can make it to Edmond, it will be worth it! They are the most complete store I know of in the state!
We got a sneak peek at the February Kit for! It looks like it's going to be awesome!
I got some great news today! I was asked to be a Guest Designer for! So excited about that!
I finished one of my Featured Design Team Member projects for! I posted it above! Isn't it SO cute!?!?! It's a door hanger I made with the February Kit and it says "Please Do Not Disturb!" Too cute!!
I didn't get to view Brodey's photos today at Taylor Made. Eric decided to take the Hummer to work and leave me with the BMW. Like I'm really going to get THAT out in this crap! So I had to call and reschedule. I can't wait to see them! They are going to be so great!!!
Well nothing else exciting...hahaha! I guess I'll go to bed since the carpet guys will be here early.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Ice, Ice Baby!

So the sleet here has turned into one huge sheet of ice! There is about 4 inches of ice/sleet from my front yard...probably around the entire neighborhood! The poor UPS man delivered Brodey's Valentine's day shirts today and he slid right back down to his truck!
I had to take Brodey to the doctor this morning for his 12 month exam. On the way, the car beside me spun over into oncoming traffic. That was scary. Very lucky for him that the cars were far enough away that they stopped..well skidded slowly to a stop. Then on my way back, in the very same spot, two cars crashed into each other and were up onto the curb. The curb was level with the road. In the parking lot the speed bumps were non-existent. That's how deep the ice/sleet is! I'm so sick of it!
The carpet peeps come tomorrow morning bright and early! I hope they make it here without having an accident. I told the guy at the carpet place that my carpet wasn't that important. Don't get me wrong..I really, really want it, but not bad enough for someone to get hurt!
Poor Brodey had to get four shots today and he had to get his finger pricked for a blood test. It was so sweet. He was babying his finger and I said "Let mommy kiss it and make it better" and he put his finger up to my lips! SO SWEET!!!!!
I got my February Kit today from today!!! YES it's as awesome as the photo I posted last night!!! I made a door hanger that is TO DIE FOR!!! I'll take a photo of it and post it tomorrow!
The post above is the layout from the Survivor challenge at! The scan cut off the top and right side...couldn't fix it. Sorry! The challenge is so fun! Wish me luck to win! The winner wins a Cricut!!!
Okay I'm going to bed. Early rise tomorrow!! Hopefully.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Monday, January 15, 2007
Good results...

On Brodey's birthday, I took random photos all day. Photos of him eating breakfast, watching the Backyardigans, taking a nap, and so on. My intent was to make a mini album with a key ring and store it in this litte band-aid tin from January Kit. It's the cutest little thing! It's made by Provocraft and I thought I had a fantastic use for it.
So this morning I edit all the photos, 18 to be exact, and I print them all out. I type little descriptions of them all and I print that out. I adhered the photos to the back of the description and put eyelets through the top to make the book. I get all this done with Brodey. No it wasn't easy. After all this work I go to fit it into the tin and IT DIDN'T FIT!! Can you believe that? All that effort and the darn thing didn't fit!
Now I am a problem solver. Some people aren't, but I am. So I go around the house and look in my scrap stash and finally I found a solution! I cut two pieces to heavy chipboard and adhered patterned paper to them. I put eyelets into them and I made a mini album! It is so cute!!!! I posted the pic at the top. I only shared a few photos, but it turned out super cute! Even Eric was impressed! It's tiny. Only about 2.5x3.5 inches, but I really think Brodey will love it when he is old enough to! So the little book ended up with good results!!
The only regret is I wish I had laminated the pages before setting them with eyelets! That would have protected them from finerprints.....HEY! Don't they make a spray that protects??? Uh I'll have to check that out!!!
So the last few days have been so boring. I didn't have anything to post. Tomorrow I will post my layout from the Survivor Challenge at It is going to be so fun! There are some amazing entries so I'll doubt I'll win, but it's fun anyway!
Like I said, no news. It's boring here. Maybe we can finally get out of the house tomorrow! My parents and grandparents just go power back at their house. Luckily we have generators, but that stinks! Hopefully it will get warm and the ice will go away!
Okay, it's still pretty early for this night owl. I guess I'll go try to scrap something! LOL
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Iced in...

Happy 1st Birthday Brodey!!!!

Friday, January 12, 2007
The weatherman knows all...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
You know you are a mom when....

Fun play day!

Natalie is my oldest friend. Her mother and my mother were best friends in high school. They are still friends today! Natalie and I played together when we were babies just like our babies play together today! So it was a fun day! She was in yesterday's layout I posted and she is in the layout today! More about this layout later!
So the reason we went to see her is because Eric brought home someone else's trash and it became Natalie's treasure! LOL Love that phrase! He went to help his co-worker, RJ, get his waverunner at his brother's house. His brother is the other doctor Eric works with, Dr. J. So Eric and RJ come back home and they are carrying a double stroller, twin lawn chairs, and a high chair. I was like what in the world are you doing!?!?! He said Dr. J was going to throw this stuff out and I thought Natalie might want it! I was like oh okay! So I let Natalie know we had some stuff for her and she was thrilled!!! She was about to buy a new double stroller and this one was practically new! Dr J has four girls and is so finished having kids! Eric saved her about $250! So yeah for Natalie! Good day!
Not only did we bring goodies, but Brodey got to play witht he twins! We really need to go over there more so Brodey can get used to playing with other kids. He whacked Baylee in the head with a block about five times! I was like geez kid! Last time we went to playgroup he bit a little girl's toe....then tried to bite her mother's! I swear he is normal!
Oh oh I forgot! Coming back from Natalie's we stopped at Babies R Us and got Brodey a new carseat! He is officially a front facer! SO SO excited! This will make a huge difference during long car rides to our hometown! The one we got was super nice! It is Britax and it is so comfy! Wish my seat felt like that!! I also bought him a little crown to wear for his first birthday photos! It is super cute!
I did the layout above for my scraplift challenge over at I love posting challenges! So fun! I used their January Kit and some Autumn Leaves stamps. I sure am lovin' clear stamps right now! The journaling read:: It's the look. That look that all brides get. The look of giddy anticipation. The look of all the time and energy coming down to moments. Natalie, my friend, your moment was perfect! June 18, 2005
Well that's all the news for today. Tomorrow I get to have lunch with the ladies I used to work with at Taylor Made Photography! I miss working with them and am so looking forward to it! I also have to go order the cake Brodey gets to tear into for his photos!
I'm off to bed!!! Goodnight!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
My house is jinxed!

I actually made dinner tonight. Brodey screamed the entire time. I swear to you I am 3 inches from him and he is screaming. This separation anxiety stuff is going to have to stop. I can't get anything done!
Pretty boring day. I did get one layout done. It was for the Design Team at The January Kit is so pretty! I used it in addition to some stamps by Autumn Leaves and Technique Tuesday. The Technique Tuesday stamp I used on the letter "F" and the Autumn Leaves I used to make the flower. I stamped three different colors of cardstock, cut them out, and then pieced them togther. It turned out pretty neat! The photo is one from high school. The journaling reads:: May 1997 ~ Natalie, Me, and Ashlie This photo was taken right after the sports banquet our senior year of high school. I have known Natalie all of my life. I have known Ashlie since Kindergarten. These girls are still my friends! We have had some good times together, and we have had some bad times together. Getting through the bad times is what makes a good friendship. I’m so lucky to have friends like this! Journaling January 2007 It was fun to scrap a high school photo!
Okay my dogs are barking at something that doesn't exist so I better go peck on the window before everyone wakes up.
Monday, January 08, 2007
My husband thinks he's a pilot...

Friday, January 05, 2007
What a meal!

Thursday, January 04, 2007
How Sweet!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Just another day...

Our insurance agent stopped by. He seems positive that we will get new carpet. I am SO hoping this will be the case. I can't imagine this carpet holding up much longer after being totally soaked. It's so brittle when you even bend it. My fingers AND toes are crossed for new carpet!
So my Christmas decorations are all up. Sad to see them go. It was my first Christmas to really decorate my own home. Fun stuff! Can't wait to do it again next year!
I was laughing because that was my Question of the Day at "Are your Christmas decorations put up yet?" I could answer yes to that, but I had to admit I still have a Halloween yard sign up. I am seriously lol about it right now! I have NO idea why I can't put it up. Drives hubby INSANE! I think maybe that's why it's still up. I'm screwed if I get any trick or treaters! LMBO!
The super simple layout above is for the Beginner's Class I'm teaching at on the 6th. If you live in Oklahoma, come by and take the class! A couple of other Design Team members are also teaching! Fun times!
I better go! Tonight I finally got my scrap supplies out of storage and the paper trimmer is gonna be smokin'! LOL
What a week.....
Geez what a week. I haven't posted in forever and trust me, I have a good reason!
This week has been filled with drama, but I have to start out on a positive note!!! I totally won the December Photo Contest at! I was so so excited when I received the e-mail! I just love that photo of Brodey! It isn't a typical Christmas photo, but I adore it and couldn't believe I won! Sorry just had to share!!!
Christmas was great! It was our very first Christmas with Brodey and it was a ton of fun! Yes he was a good boy and Santa came to visit! He got lots of toys and some realy great clothes! I got my Epson printer and I got Eric some fun CD's and other stuff!
We left to go to our paren't houses on Christmas day around 3pm. We had a great Christmas there until the day after when our neighbor called at about 3pm. (Yes exactly 24 hours after we left the house) He called to let us know that when he came back from running to the grocery store he noticed water running down our driveway out from our garage. He said our hot water pipe had broken under our sink and our entire house was flooded. Yes ENTIRE house. They shut off the water, but there wasn't much else he could do. We hurried home to find a complete mess. When the garage door was opened, water just ran out. We called the insurance company and they sent people over to pull out the padding, place fans and humidifiers everywhere, and to get out furniture onto the tile floors. They ripped off the base boards (and some paint in the process) and had to drill holes in the base of my cabinets to dry them out. We couldn't stay here to we had to go to a hotel for several days.
So, as if things weren't bad enough, I get sick that night with the worst stomach bug I have ever had. Almost one year ago Brodey was born via c-section and my stomach pains were just as bad...if not worse than that. So there I was. No clean clothes, in a hotel room, so sick, with an 11 month old. Not good times. Thank goodness my mother came to save the day! She took care of us and I was fine within 36 hours!
We ended up staying at my mother's through the holiday and we are finally back home! It's so very nice to be back in my own bed! The house is back to normal, minus the padding to the carpet, several doors, and the base boards. We will get new carpet soon and my scrapbook supplies will be unpacked tomorrow! YEAH!!! Life will resume!
Brodey's first birthday is days away. He will be one on the 12th. Time truly flies and there isn't anything we can do about it except try to freeze it in our scrapbooks. So much to do!
The photo in this post is of the awesome January kit from It is a ton of fun! It contains the new Doodle Genie from Chatterbox! Head over and check it out!
I better go now! I guess I'll head to bed instead of scrapping like usual! You can bet I'll be up late scrapping tomorrow! Lots of catching up to do!
Have a wonderful day!