Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Here We Go.....

Girlfriends. Boyfriends. Love. I thought all that stuff started way later! I mean isn't Pre-K too young for that? Then I think back to when I was in Preschool....nope not too young! Hahaha!
I'm pretty sure I fell in love with Eric when he told me he "didn't play with GIRLS" at our parent's 10 year high school reunion at the park. Of course I had to shout back "well it looks like you are playing with a GIRL on the merry-go-round!!!" True story and it sounds just like us 26 years later.
So when I think back on that I shouldn't be too surprised at Brodey's girlfriend/boyfriend love talk.
It started with theJoe Has a Girlfriend talk. Then the other day someone told me a secret.
"Hey Brodey's mom! Come here I want to tell you a secret." Says Layne. A SUPER cute and sweet girl in Brodey's class. Eric actually works with her grandfather.
"Oh okay tell me a secret."
"I fell in love with Brodey...but don't tell!"
"Oh my goodness really!" I say as I try not to laugh.
"Oh yes. You can't tell anyone! Pinky promise!!"
"Okay pinky promise!"
"WHAT!?!?! Tell MEEEE!!!" Yells another little girl names Brooklynn.
"Well...okay you can tell the girls I guess. You just can't tell the boys."
"Got it!" Haha!
Brodey is witness to all of this and is VERY upset that I wouldn't tell him and Layne got a big kick out of that!
I can't lie and say I'm surprised by this. I did have a head's up by Layne's mom back before Christmas.
"Layne told me the other day that Brodey is her best friend." Her mom tells me.
"Aw! That's so sweet!"
"Yes she said that Brooklynn pushed her down and Brodey came and helped her up. So he's her best friend."
LOVE that! It totally made me smile. So I kind of knew he was on Layne's radar.
Then yesterday when we got home he pulled some stuff out of his pocket.
"Hey look mom! I almost forgot!"
"Oh what's that!?!" It was a little metal thing that looked like a washer and a big blue jewel.
"Oh...the GIRLS gave me these!"
"Haha! Wow! They did?"
"Yes. Layne gave me the jewel and Miley gave me the silver. They are my treasures I have to put them up now."
He took them and put them up with his marble collection. He was most proud of them and I thought well...here we go! At least it wasn't melted lipstick! ;)
Have a terrific Tuesday!

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